Yesterday I battled with the extreme heat to make these gorgeous Mad Hatter/Alice in Wonderland cupcakes to be sold at a charity garden party.
They were all delicious vanilla cupcakes with vanilla bean buttercream before being covered with sugarpaste and decorated.
I decided to use a selection of different designs reflecting the eclectic mix of colours and characters in the book and film.
Decorations included the gold pocket watch, tweddledum & tweedledee's stiped shirts & red braces, the Queen of Hearts playing cards, Eat Me tags with teapot & cake, the White Rabbit and of course the Mad Hatter's Green hat complete with 10/6 label.
I really enjoyed making these cupcakes and thought they turned out really well.
I hope they raise lots of money for charity, I'd certainly be very pleased to receive any one of these designs!!
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